Teen gunman tries to enter church during communion ceremony, police say

it was the most sacred of spaces at St Mary Magdalene Church in Abbyville Louisiana 60 children were poised to take their first communion Saturday that this Sacramento when suddenly a man approaches the priest whispering in his ear Holy Mary moments later father Nicholas Dupri abruptly stops the service as chaos erupts according to church officials a suspicious person opened the back door members immediately confronted him and led him outside calling police authorities say he was armed with a gun inside the video shows clergy members ducking for cover alter servers scrambling to safety as police rush in guns drawn checking for any additional threat just get a hold of your child go slowly the suspect was a 16-year-old white male police say dressed in all black he was arrested then taken to a hospital for mental evaluation charged with terrorizing and two counts of juvenile gun possession incredibly police say there were no injuries Hallelujah but at today's service the scars were clear it Bears a shocking similarity to yet another close call last week at a Pittsburgh church when a man approached the pull pit and aimed directly at the pastor who was spared police say only when the gun jammed back in Louisiana the church plans to have la enforcement stand guard at every service going forward as more houses of worship are forced to mix the power of prayer with the presence of police blae Alexander NBC news thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media

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