Fight outside Potawatomi; police video captures officers breaking it up | FOX6 News Milwaukee

video of police breaking up a fight after a party over at pamy Fox six is Brett Le Moy live with how a police officer was actually hurt during this arrest it was caught on video gra yeah that's right Ben this happened in February and it was early in the morning when police arrived they say when a woman tried to get away she ended up running over an officer's foot chaos outside the casino about seconds to get in the car otherwise you're arrested Milwaukee Police arrived on February 28th to a group of women fighting outside patami Cino Hotel a security guard told officers they escorted the women off the property but they refused to leave investigators said they were all under 21 years old at the time when one woman was put in the back of a squad stay away from the car you don't open up the car door you understand another woman tried to open the door to let her out Milwaukee Police said two 20-year-old women were arrested and cited you guys had opportuni to leave officers told the remaining women in the group to go home video shows they didn't listen somebody go after that car he took off she didn't get our car she just went over my foot an MPD officer was hurt and their squad hit get out of the car now when an SUV with people from the group returned to the hotel police tried to get them out but the driver took off down Canal Street I bus open the window cover me cover me a short Chase led the driver of the SUV back to the hotel MPD said they were also able to arrest and ticket that 20-year-old woman who was clearly seen driving moments earlier but was found in the back seat you were driving you were driving relax a patami spokesperson told us in February the officer was checked by the Milwaukee fire department and said he was fine while this group wasn't old enough to gamble inside outside video shows the odds were never in their favor the drivers taking the Cy as they speak now we do have the name of one of the women who was arrested back in February and we reached out to the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office a spokeswoman there tells us no criminal charges were ever filed for that individual and she said without any other names uh they are unable to search their system to see if there were any criminal charges filed against anyone else involved reporting live in Milwaukee Brett Le Mo Fox 6 News

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