Brutal UK organised crime group jailed after cocaine theft | BBC News

UK in Mery side a brutal organized crime group has been taken down by its own text messages more than 30 major criminals have been jailed after a million pounds worth of cocaine was stolen from a violent organized crime group the crime bosses wanted to murder the men they thought were responsible but police had cracked their encrypted phone up and could see what they were planning brona Monroe reports three masked men arrive outside a drug Stash House in Liverpool a fourth is pretending to deliver a parcel 4 minutes later they escape with the heighten firms cocaine hell two men in the house have been attacked with a macher and an ax right what injuries have you got mate just sit yourself down you all right there mate yeah a tril of blood leads to a manhole cover where the cocaine was hidden are you in dispute with anyone have you upset anyone lately or has anybody got a better a beef with you any information better than nothing no one from the heighten firm talks but this time the police have a secret weapon the encryption system the criminals use called anrat has been cracked detectives can see the messages they're sending each other the grip they're talking about is the stolen cocaine 30 kilos are gone that's a Million worth it's clear from the messages I've seen that this is a very effective criminal business High industrial scale trafficking of drugs with tentacles across the UK and internationally and obviously willing to resort to severe violence this place them for me in the upper te of organized crime in the UK Crime Boss Vincent kogin thinks he's identified some of the cocaine robbers and he wants revenge his enforcer Paul Woodford asks how many he once killed cogins replies four dead men walk in they do business with violence it is a world where a bullet in the head is just literally another way of doing business and that's the brutality of it it's a world where there are no laws other than essentially what you could call the laws of the Jungle Vincent cogins and Paul Woodford were arrested before they could carry out their threats cogins has been jailed for 28 years for drug trafficking and blackmail Woodford got 24 years and 6 months in total more than 30 serious criminals linked to the Coan Heist have been convicted they've been sentenced to over 350 years Bruno Monroe BBC News

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