Andrew Tate faces extradition to UK over rape and human trafficking claims | BBC News

The controversial social media influencer Andrew Tate has told the BBC tonight that he has nothing to fear after a court in Romania ruled he and his brother Tristan can be extradited back to the UK now they face several allegations including rape and human trafficking over a number of years they Categorically reject the claims while Nick beak is live in the Romanian capital Bucharest for us now Nick you caught up with Mr Tate what did he have to say yeah good evening Clive of course Andrew Tate one of the most Googled people on the planet and back in the Spotlight once again today tonight here in his brother are back at their home they've been allowed to return here and they're claiming that as a victory in itself but still Mr tapate faces extremely serious allegations both here in Romania and also in the UK with now the possibility the prospect of Extradition as I caught up with him earlier tonight he was defiant back at his house in Bucharest after another day in custody Andrew Tate and his brother praised the Romanian court for letting them come home for now the UK now have they as they've seen that we're going to be found innocent in Romania have decided to try and weaponize Romanian courts to put us back in jail and that has failed and justice has come through tonight for us which is fantastic until my trial but the Romanian judge did not find them innocent instead she agreed to an extradition request from British police
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Police who are investigating allegations of rape and human trafficking as I put to Andrew Tate tonight if you may have looked at someone wrong or sped in a car in 2012 they're going to try and put you in jail for Bedford police are looking into very serious allegations but you Must accept Ser you interrupt me again sir please so what happens is when you get to a certain level of Fame they go through your entire life forensically and try and destroy you earlier they had been brought before a judge to hear that they will be sent to the UK but not Until after a Romanian court has itself tried them on similar unrelated charges and if found guilty any prison sentence has been served both men have denied all the charges against them Andrew Tate is loved by his many fans for his pronouncements on how men should act his detractors say his message represents a Danger to women female are barely sentient in his own words Andrew Tate describes himself as absolutely a misogynist it doesn't matter whether a woman wants to be a lawyer or a housemaker or a webcam girl unless she has a man directing her they're just not built to be completely independent creatures Andrew Tate claims his words are often misinterpreted but the police teachers and women's rights groups say his influence is toxic in the UK some women have spoken about their experience of meeting him including Eevee not her real name who spoke to the BBC last year and whose words are voiced by an
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Actress there's enough evidence out there to show that you know these women that he's harm do exist so I I think he needs to just get a bit of a reality check and admit to what he's done can the brothers may be home but can't travel abroad Andrew Tate once praised what he Described as Romania's more lenient approach to sexual assault claims he's now fighting such claims both here and in the UK Nick beak BBC News book arest

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